Testimonial Louie & Koko Louie and Koko, both sweet and very cute, were the wedding gift that kept on giving... too bad it was in the form of peeing and barking! Even the 18 month old little girl covered her ears at one point during our initial evaluation of the [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:35:28+00:00Testimonial Tucker We met Leslie and Tucker when Tucker was just 10 weeks old. A gift to Leslie from her cousin, Tucker was already a big and enthusiastic puppy. Despite her disability Leslie is a very active person who lives with her husband and 2 cats, the latter 3 not [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:35:12+00:00Testimonial Sasha Amanda and her roommates wanted to share their 4th floor Manhattan walk-up with a rescue dog. Sasha seemed sweet and ready for a young family, but within days Sasha was diagnosed with severe pneumonia requiring a lengthy hospitalization. Happy to reclaim their now healthy dog, they quickly discovered [...]
Buster & Ceibhfhionn
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:35:02+00:00Testimonial Buster & Ceibhfhionn Buster came to us at age 3 1⁄2 years. Initially the combination of high dominance and low confidence made him an unpredictable aggressor towards people of all ages and genders. To manage the situation Buster became a latchkey dog at a local doggie day-care until his [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:34:44+00:00Testimonial Miley Miley was only 5 months old when her owner knew she needed to do something fast. Miley’s future included her being the office mascot, but her initial skittishness and fear of people was becoming intimidating as she progressed to barking, growling, and lunging at customers. Her boarded therapy [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:33:22+00:00Testimonial Clark Only two years old, Clark was beautiful, smart, and playful... but she was dangerous. Sweet one moment she could turn in a flash becoming an intimidating animal. She was aggressive to all dogs and it was well established that she was highly predatory to other animals. Clark’s unpredictable [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:34:26+00:00Testimonial Kolbe We met Kolbe after too many close calls. Adopted by his owner at 6 months old, by the age of 2 years he could not be trusted with strangers. In public he would lunge at passersby, bicycles, and joggers, from inside the home and car he would charge [...]
Jim Lessenberry2017-09-05T12:38:07+00:00Testimonial Retro By 18 months old Retro was no longer allowed access to people beyond his immediate family. His early ambivalence for people had advanced to intimidation and aggressive behavior towards visitors. He didn’t like the children’s friends, the lawn guy, Grandpa, or the veterinarian and everyone knew it! Now, [...]