By 18 months old Retro was no longer allowed access to people beyond his immediate family. His early ambivalence for people had advanced to intimidation and aggressive behavior towards visitors. He didn’t like the children’s friends, the lawn guy, Grandpa, or the veterinarian and everyone knew it!
Now, after completing a behavior therapy program he is a gentle giant loved by his family and the neighborhood.

Paige Heenan
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
“At my wits end, I asked my vet for a recommendation to help us with our 140 pound unruly Kuvasz, Retro. She suggested Jim Lessenberry at Animal Learning Systems. Retro spent six weeks training with Jim and his team. The transformation still stuns me. When I compare life with Retro before I met Jim to his behavior now, the metamorphosis from out of control beast (yes, I am calling my dog a beast) to the lovely dog who walks pleasantly at my side off the leash, is nothing short of astonishing. Jim has a rare way with both dogs and the humans who love them. Jim’s kind and peaceful demeanor indicates to me that he genuinely cares about the animals and families he works with.”