Linus Utley joined our family in December, 2015. He saved us as we had lost Ripley, our previous dog, just 12 days before. We are fortunate that he didn’t succeed at service dog training, so he came to us mostly trained…. we estimate that he had been seven places before finding his “furever” home with us.
Although he came from Michigan Lab Rescue, his DNA indicates that he is not a lab at all! We had a couple of behavioral issues and someone recommended Jim to make a house call. He did and assured us that it was nothing serious as far as he could ascertain! A few suggestions and we have a well-mannered family companion.
Linus loves going to your place for his “dogcation” when we go away. Loves to go and loves to come home! You are all great. As you can see in the pictures he loves to look out “in the yard and out the window.” His other endearing quality is that he thinks that he is a lap dog – all 65 pounds of him!

Lorna and Jud Utley
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan