from Grosse Pointe, MI
Jessica worked hard in classes with Kadan, but 70 pounds of muscle and a room full of dogs made Kadan appear more like a freight train than a dog. Eventually, Jessica scheduled a diagnostic evaluation to determine why her hard work wasn’t paying off and why Kadan was becoming increasingly aggressive to their other two dogs. Too, Kadan had recently snapped at a child and Jessica was now pregnant with their first baby.

Jeff and Jessica Dunn
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
I wanted to send you guys a few pictures of Kadan with Hazel. I was so worried how he would be around her, but they are the best of friends. He sleeps by her, follows her around and they play with each other’s toys. Thanks for all of your help with Kade. If it wasn’t for your help he wouldn’t be the great dog he is today!