Cody was rescued from a kill shelter in Houston and passed around house-to-house, until I adopted him when he was 4 months old.
It was obvious right from the beginning of our time together that Cody must have had a troubled start at life. He was fearful of anything he did not recognize, and he had a couple incidents of attacking out of fear. After trying a puppy school in Chicago with no success, I decided to make the investment in ALS. My goal was to be able to take him with me wherever I go. It was hard to send him away for 8 weeks, but the results were incredible.
Mr. Lessenberry determined that Cody’s issue was rooted in biology and not abuse, as we had feared. Using a combination of appropriate medication and behavior therapy, Cody came back a new man! It was clear that he recognized that the training had made him more capable and his confidence cured him of his phobia’s. He was extremely well behaved when we hosted a party of about 25 people at my place for Halloween — even with the costumes. Prior to the training it would have been a real scary night! It has been more than a year since his ALS training and I still get people stopping us to comment on how well-behaved Cody is. I would recommend ALS to any dog owner. It is an investment that makes both of our lives better!

Alex Tyler
Chicago, IL