I want to share my recent Facebook posts with you, because I want you to
know how very, very, much we appreciate you!
Wednesday’s post:
WOW! I am sorry I didn’t get any pictures today, but it was an
amazing experience. We walked around Rochester,
neighborhoods with Maggie off leash and she stayed right by our
sides – Sandy and I took turns leading her. Maggie was not
distracted by children or cars. What a miracle! Animal Learning
System absolutely saved her life! We are looking forward to
tomorrow when we will walk downtown Rochester, and into stores
with her off leash. When she was walking she was all business,
but when she was released from our walk, she was all love!
Thursday’s post:
Today’s training was just as exciting as yesterday, but oh so
much colder. We walked around downtown Rochester, some on
and some off leash. She was amazing. We then had some love
time at the training facility. There are two dogs there from
California – that’s just how good they are. We are looking forward
to tomorrow when they bring her home for a visit.
Friday’s post:
Here is Lisa (Mom’s caretaker and our friend) walking Maggie in
our hood off leash. Our girl sure has come a long way and I’m so
very grateful to Animal Learning Systems (Jim and Evan) for
saving our girl’s life. She was a very relaxed and gentle girl while
we were out and about and also in the house.
Saturday’s post:
Our love bug is happy to be home and SO VERY WELL
BEHAVED. We had people come over to visit her today that have
never been able to get in the house because she would growl,
bark and show her teeth. No more! She was a perfect lady. It is
amazing! I totally recommend Animal Learning Systems for all
your dog training needs.
This morning’s post:
I have to speak about Maggie for a second because her
transformation is incredible. She eats her food very gently, she
waits at the back door for me to wipe her paws without any
instruction, she does not chase the cats (zero interest in the cats)
and she just went back in her crate and is cuddled up after
Our niece and her son came for a visit today, she told us that
Maggie looks AMAZING! Afterwards on the drive home her son
said that today was the first time he has come over and not been
terrified. In the past Maggie would try to bite him, but no more!
She also played with a new toy and did NOT destroy it. Miracles
for sure on this Sunday.
Thanks again!!

Betty and Sandy Dilbeck
Roseville, MI